Thursday, August 30, 2012


mozzarella, strawberries, sweet peppers, romaine hearts
 today was {a picnic day}

a simple picnic with the fam.
happy summer
- janeen mickayla


I've really surprised myself. I've always been the girl that never did anything really...daring [except maybe on stage, i.e. acting]. I feel like this is sort of coming into myself. Having the balls to do something that no one really thought was attainable. "Yeah, okay, you going to Germany for a year. Sure you are!" And it's only seven days away. I wish you could SEE my grin. My cheeks hurt!
This next school years is approaching fast. It seems as if the summer has gone by in a flash. Back to morning rituals, alarm clocks, and cold showers, right? Not for me. I just realized that I won't be going back to any familiar routines. I won'rt be starting my Junior year with the rest of my class. I'll be going to a different country. [Almost] living a different life. My hearts racing the thought. I'll blame it on the hormones. I've never been so worked up over anything...except maybe passing my written driver's test.

In other news, my luggage tags came in the mail, and...drum roll, please....I purchased my plane tickets! I'll officially be flying to the orientation site. Row 6. Window Seat. Oh my! First plane ride  E-V-E-R and I'll be flying alone. One and a half hours. Half stoked, half freaked. I've gotten some contributions on my fundraising site here that i have not collected yet, but I was able to buy my ticket due to an "in-person" sponsor. I'm so grateful, and so happy.

And so, the post-week countdown begins. 7 days. Good grief.

awkwardly, not-so-patiently waiting,
- janeen mickayla

Saturday, August 25, 2012


bits + pieces

one. downtown. two. to all trains. three. father and son. four. snapple and sun. five. mama's smile. six. hand holdin'. seven. mother|daughter smiles.

these pictures were all taken on August 22, the boy's birthday. it was a warm day - bright and sunny. and also a lot of fun. train rides and bus trips and cake [not shown]. i think after a week day like this, and a week full of STUFF, the weekend calls for relaxation...and a really big sunday breakfast. then again, when your me, every sunday calls for that. c:
- janeen mickayla

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


 So, today was my baby brothers 5th birthday! It was a good day, a lot of laughing and giggles! It was a small get-together: just my brother, mom, his dad and me. I took lots of pictures to be sure that I remember this day. He's 5 now, ans he's starting school in September. 2 weeks! My gosh, just yesterday he was in diapers. We go school shopping for him soon, so I'll be back soon. this week is just so busy. A birthday, school shopping, check ups and a lot of planning for Germany. It was nice to have a day to just celebrate. I love my brother and I love that there's a day in the year just to make him laugh and watch him smile.

Happy 5th Bobby-yum, I love you so much!
- janeen mickayla

Saturday, August 11, 2012


bits + pieces{of our friday}

one. my neighborhood. two. sunny-side-up follow. three. 's a charm. four. bacon egg 'n' cheese. five. brand spank-in' new. six. watermelon. seven. yum.

my goodness, it's a month away. yea, it's getting really close and i  feel 'soft afraid'. hesitant some, extremely excited, and really, really nervous. but, that's enough cliche's, i am trying to cram as much into these last few weeks as I can. watermelon. mmmnnn. honestly, who doesn't love it? exactly. My my luggage came in the mail, and it was a bit like a splash of cold water in the face [an abrupt wake up call, but at the same time, refreshing]. i started packing my bags and it truly registered how much i love my family. they're everything to me, and i'm branching out in a way. it's not college, but it's a longer separation than college would cause. 
- janeen mickayla

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


sunnies c:

#photoadayaug , how to play


today was {beautiful}

every thing just looked so beautiful today so i had to capture the moments. and, of course, i want to enjoy my wonderful friends. we look nuts in the last picture - we were laughing so hard.

- janeen mickayla

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 THINGS...I'll miss about America [#4. the smaller luxeries]

Hello. Yesterday, my mom and my baby brother took the bus to a nearby town and we went grocery shopping. I know what you thinking, "boring, much", but i'll tell you now, a day out with them is never boring for me. I absolutely love my mom and brother and spending time with them is ALWAYS fun. My mom talks about the silliest things when she out and my brother is....well, he's a boy. We were walking down the main street and the whole time my brother was pretending to be Optimus Prime from transformers. So sweet. And then when we got to Shop Rite he wanted EVERYTHING. every toy, cool looking fruit, he grabbed it. I was talking pictures and we were all laughing and having fun and then mom says, "Janeen, I'm really gonna miss you." that's all, and i wanted to cry. I know how much she loves me and this is going to be horrible for her, that is the only thing that makes me sad about this program. Mom. I love you. Thank you for yesterday : )

- janeen mickayla



#photoadayaug , how to play

Sunday, August 5, 2012


AFS luggage tags. AFS logo.

#photoadayaug , how to play

oven baked french-fries // potato wedgies

so, this recipe is not Jamaican, but indeed, very American. i was cooking with my mom and it was just a fun day all around. we made baked french fries and chicken patties with nuggets for the boy. it was a delicious lunch!

cut your potatoes into wedges 
season potatoes with your choice of spices and add 2 table spoons of olive oil.
then bake! @ 350 Fahrenheit, 30 minutes: flip half way through....

pop some chicken patties and nuggets in the oven 10 minutes before their done.
and there's your meal!
I like hummus on EVERYTHING, especially chicken patties =D
with some home made iced tea.
the epitome of american summer cuisine 

recipes. {oven backed potato wedgies}

- janeen mickayla
P.S. Please, Help Me Study Pay For My Study Abroad in Germany.