Thursday, February 7, 2013

KARNIVAL! {Der Deutsche Feiertag}

hi everyone, today is the 1. Karnival tag in Germany, and it's pretty crazy right now in Düsseldorf. the Aldstadt is packed full of tourist and costumed people right now. Karnival is the German Mardi Gras. It's been in Germany since the middle ages and i think it's one of the most fun festivals in Germany. I think that it would actually shock a lot of Americans at how open and friendly Germans are when they celebrate something together. I won't be near a computer much until after the Karnival Weekend is over (so, after Monday) because, well, i want to be a part of this! vielspaß und Aufwiedersehen!

with love,

1 comment:

SarahK said...

As if! I am an exchange student from Australia, who was also in Duesseldorf for Fasching! :)